Saturday, August 30, 2008


Sir.I am sending you a brief account of my 'bee-experience" this season,
thinking it might perhaps be of interest to your readers. I began the
present season,(my second year of bee-keeping) with two colonies of
ordinary native bees. One of these stocks I bought in May,1907.and the
other hive is occupied by a swarm which came off the original stock a
month later, and with these two hives to start with I am able to finish
off the season with five good stocks of bees, numbered as follows:—1. The
original stock or parent hive.2 Natural swarm from ditto. 3. Artificial
swarm, made on June 2 from Nos. 1 and 2. No. 1 supplying four frames of
brood and No. 3 supplying the flying bees. 4. A stock in a skep bought
on June 9, and transferred the next day, as the combs were broken down in
traveling. 5. Four lots of "driven" bees, which I united, and am
wintering them in the skep seen. I have fed the bees continuously up to
now on thick syrup medicated, and they are doing well. My total "take" of
honey this season weighs 340lb. No. 1 having yielded 120 lb., No. 2 175
1b.. and the rest being made up from Nos.. 3 and 4.
Besides this honey I have fifty-six shallow frame combs cleaned out and
put away in parcels ready for next year ( a valuable asset) and a new
hive ready painted for my first spring clean. I showed some honey at
our county show at Sleaford and took the third prize, this being my first
appearance as an exhibitor on the show bench. I am also pleased to
say, that I passed the third class experts examination on the same day; so
I think I may, without presumption, Mr. Editor, call this a successful
season, Do you not think so too?
I do all the extracting, jarring off or bottling, feeding, painting, &c.,
myself, and thoroughly enjoy the work. In fact, I consider there is no
other "hobby" to equal bee-keeping, and I would not give it up for
anything. I enclose a photo of my little apiary and myself, and if it is
good enough for the RECORD I shall be very pleased to see it there as an
encouragement to other "lady bee-keepers". : MRS.) G. L. PORTER. Hon.
Dist, Sec,. Lincs B.K.A.
[We congratulate Mrs. Porter on her success, and are not only very
pleased to reproduce the photo of her neat little apiary, but heartily
recommend those readers who possess an equal aptitude for bee-work with
the lady was seen to go and do likewise. - Ed.]


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


By R.O.B. Manley

It is probably a fact that when the beginner at bee-keeping is passing
through his (or her) first season or so, and is the victim of that
well-known unbalancing enthusiasm that appears inseparable from that
stage of the bee-keepers progress, he is nearly sure to be indulging in
visions of large extensions of his activities and to the setting up of
numerous out-apiaries. He plans out charts of his locality and, in
imagination lays out his central plant and the sites of his
out-apiaries-to-be. These plans arc generally doomed to be shelved, the
series of out-apiaries to remain merely hypothetical, and the initial
enthusiasm to become cooled.
But, though in the great majority of cases this is no doubt so, in those
cases where the bee-keeper is determined to make honey-production the
source of his bread and butter, he must, after he has become well-grounded
in the essentials of his business, begin to set up out-apiaries, for the
the simple reason that it is not possible to keep enough stocks of bees in
any one place to produce a living for any man. Also because even were it
possible to find a position so rich in honey that enough bees could be
kept there, it would be extremely difficult to manage them. It is far
easier to keep 40 or 50 colonies in a place, so that they can be gone
through in one day, than to have so many that, when overhauling has to be
done frequently in summer, one is apt to keep the apiary in a continual
state of upheaval.
Some months ago I went into the question of profits to be obtained from
the production of honey in England. I pointed out that these are by no
means so large as is asserted by some of our enthusiastic instructors ;
that the expenses are much higher than those persons suppose; and that
the gross returns, sometimes represented as equivalent to profit, are in
fact, very far from being so. Now that man who has made up his mind to
produce, honey for a living in this country must set himself to find
first of all a suitable location, as they say across the pond. This
location must give facilities for setting up some four or more
out-apiaries. In what do the desiderata for successful out-apiaries
consist? Granting that sine qua non for the success of the whole
enterprise, a suitable district for honey-production, the needs for
out-apiaries are not quite so easily found as some people think,
The requirements are these. No site should be more than four miles from
any other site and none should be less than 2 and a half miles from any
other. None should be any nearer to any other person's apiary—unless the
latter consists only of a stock or two —and the home apiary should be
within from six to ten miles of the farthest out-apiary if possible, and
within as short a distance as possible from a railway station. All the
apiaries should be quite close to a hard road and all should be in
sheltered positions. None must be in a situation where it is likely to
become a nuisance.
To procure half-a-dozen sites of this nature is a far more difficult
matter to do in actual practice than to assume done in delivering a
lecture on the subject. Sometimes one may find the very right spot only
to be met by the inflexible hostility of the owner of it. Some people
have an absolute horror of bees and will not have a colony on their land
at any price. The best way of all to get sites if one can do it is to buy
the free-hold of a rough bit of wasteland, but even this is hard to do
and often quite impossible. I myself hold one such site which is a very
fine one. Others I pay rent for.
The starting of out-apiaries should always be gradual and should be
brought about by necessity and not by an enthusiastic desire to increase
the size of one's undertaking. What is known in modern jargon as
"superiority complex" is one of the greatest enemies that the young
bee-keeper has to contend with. Pride in our work is a fine thing, but it
must on no account be allowed to lead us on to unjustifiable expenditure.
If we cannot make our home apiary of say 75 colonies pay, it is safe to
say that we are not justified in starting others. The time to start
out-apiaries is when we find that our home apiary is paying well, that we
are well able to increase it, and that this cannot well be done without
overstocking our home location. Then, having looked out and taken
a suitable site, we should move about half the colonies from the
overstocked home site to the new one, for once we have to visit a second
place, we may as well take full advantage of the fact.
As soon as the second place has been taken and stocked, there at once
appear great advantages to us in the work of the apiary management. Do we
need to make up a nucleus or mating hive, all we need do is to take it to
the new place and let it fly at once. If a stock is robbing others or
being robbed, just remove it to the out place and the robbing stops, Do
we wish to move some stocks a few yards, all that is needed is for them
to be carted to the out-apiary and a corresponding number brought home
and placed wherever it is desired for them to be. Many manipulations of
this sort may be managed when out-apiaries are available. Uniting of all
kinds is simple in the extreme since when removed to a new site in that
way, there is no tendency for the bees to return to their original sites
as these are out of flight, and also the bees, finding themselves "
lost," are not inclined to fall foul of those in a similar state.
The third apiary is usually needed about a year, or at most two years,
after the second and the fourth a year after that if the seasons have
been fairly propitious and no particular disaster has occurred. Of
course, by the heavy purchase of swarms, packages, or stocks, the apiaries
can be set up at once by a tour de force, but that is not good business
as a rule. These apiaries should be set up only when they are urgently
required to maintain the progress of the business. There is probably
nothing so bad for the beekeeper's business as unnecessary apiaries, as
these absorb money that should be available as profit.
It is not possible to state the proper number of colonies that it is most
desirable to have in an out-apiary. The number must vary with the
locality and its possibilities. It is, however, possible to say with some
degree of certainty that it is usually not wise to place on a single site
more than 50 colonies at most, if another site can be had a couple or
three miles away, even if the flora of the locality is such as to be
capable of carrying more. The reason for this is that in the carrying out
of the necessary summer manipulations, such as examination for queen
cells and the like, it is rarely possible to get through more than fifty
in the available part any one day, and that by the time fifty are
overhauled, the whole apiary is to some extent upset and apt to become
troublesome if again tackled the following day. Also, if two journeys
must be made, it is just as easy to go to two separate places as to make
both journeys to the same apiary.

Bee Craft January 1932 Part 1 of 5 (to be continued)


By R. O. B. Manley
(continued Part 2)

Though in running one apiary in one place, when not a great deal of moving hives about is needed, apart from the question of cost, it really does not greatly matter what sort of hive is used, so that it is well constructed and made of sound material, but if out-apiaries are contemplated, there is no doubt that it is absolutely essential that the hives used shall be of some exceedingly compact and portable type. Legs must he barred rigidly, as must gabled roofs and probably porches, for these are a nuisance in transport, and, though this may be considered a matter of controversy, they are quite useless to the bees. It will not, in fact, be found that stocks of bees in hives with porches will give more honey than those without. This is the crucial test that all such matters must be brought to by those who intend to rely on honey-production. In every case when in doubt, the bee-keeper should ask himself the question: " Will it enable my bees to produce for me more profit ?"
It will be best to arrange for cheap stands for the hives, so made that any hive will stand on any stand, so that hives may be moved from one site, or from one apiary to another while still leaving their stands in situ. The leveling of stands is not the easiest of bee-keeping jobs, and, once a stand has been leveled, it is a distinct advantage and a saving of labor to have it permanently placed so that any hive may at any time be placed upon it in a moment with the certainty that it will be correctly placed and level.
It is doubtful if there is any way of fixing hive stands that is superior to the plan of using bricks. Bricks are not very expensive and they are virtually everlasting.
On sloping grounds those on the lower part of the slope can be set on edge to bring the stand to the required level. Probably, where the ground is not very dry, it will pay to use eight bricks, bedding the bottom four well into the ground so as to be firmly set and not likely to sink much. It is surprising how bricks will sometimes be pressed into the soil by a heavy hive in summer. Hives should, of course, be level from side to side, and sloping from back to front. They should stand in fairly straight rows, as a rule, to facilitate grass cutting and they look better if kept to a dead straight line.
It is necessary to assume that the bee-keeper has at his disposal a motor vehicle suitable for the purpose and that he has a suitable building for a store and workshop, and also an extracting house and a suitable boiler for heating honey and boiling water for making sugar syrup.
As soon as the last super is off, which is, in most clover honey localities, about the middle of August, it is necessary to go carefully through every colony, making notes of the condition of each in the record book. And before going further into the matter, it is necessary to say that, of all the requirements of a bee-farmer, there is no one more essential to success than a proper record book. A book is far better than the cards so frequently commended because it can be carried in the pocket and referred to at any time and in any place. A fairly well-bound note-book that is small enough to fit into the pocket and which contains a page, or better still, two pages for every colony in the apiaries owned is good. Such a book is usually about one inch thick, and those used by the writer are 5" x 7" in size. Each year a new book must be purchased.
Every hive must be numbered by means of a movable metal tag label. This is nearly essential to easy management. It is better in the opinion of the writer to number each hive throughout the set of apiaries with a separate number, rather than to name the apiaries, and to number the hives in them as separate units. For instance, it is better to call hive No. 6 in the third apiary (supposing there to be 40 hives in each) No. 86, rather than No. III, 6.
The removal or exchange of any colony must be recorded in the book at the time and its record transferred to its corresponding place in the book, when a new book is started. Stands to have no colony on them are left blank in the book so long as no stock is there. Thus, when a swarm is hived on an empty stand, there is a blank page in the book ready for its records and a label ready to fix upon its hive with the stand number on it.
Let us suppose that three or four apiaries have been started, each containing 40 stocks, that the time is August 14th, that all supers have been removed and that, as should be the case, a considerable proportion of the colonies have been provided with young queens in the course of the summer in various ways. In that case the first job is carefully to examine each colony, noting in the record whether it requires a young queen, whether it is free from brood diseases, and how it is situated in respect of stores. Immediate steps must be taken to introduce queens where needed and to feed if there is, as is often the case when a big colony has given a heavy surplus of honey (especially in the small British standard frames) a shortage of honey.
This is necessary, not only to prevent actual starvation but to prevent too sudden a reduction in the breeding rate for, though it is, in the opinion of the writer, not advisable actually to stimulate a well-found stock for the purpose of producing young bees beyond the natural autumn production of a good young queen, it is quite essential that ordinary brood production shall not be curtailed for want of well-stored combs. No other feeding of full colonies is necessary or desirable at this time of year, though recently made up nuclei should be fed. To necessitous colonies a gallon or so of medium to rather thin syrup may be given at this time and to nuclei a pint per day. It is better to remove all these nuclei, if not already there at this time, to the home apiary, if there is one, or at any rate to the nearest to the beekeeper's home, and to replace them at the out-apiaries by good stocks from there. All number labels must, of course, remain on the hives containing the colonies to which the records under those numbers refer until the new book is started later on as will be described.

Bee Craft February 1932
[To be continued]



(continued Part 3)

About the first or second week in September steps must be taken to ensure that all colonies shall have sufficient food present in their combs to carry them comfortably through the winter. Now this is not such an easy business as might at first be supposed. If begun too early, and the weather is summery, the bees may start off into rapid breeding, and use up so much food that a second feeding may be necessary when the fact is discovered, which is often almost too late in the year to assure good sealing and preparation of the brood nest for wintering.
In the case of out-apiaries, then, it is especially necessary to have a large number of feeders. There is nothing amiss in having one to each hive. For this purpose the ordinary tin or aluminum rapid feeders generally used are not very satisfactory and, in any case, are far too expensive to be considered as a business proposition. The feeder used as a rule in large systems of out apiaries in this and other countries is the ordinary lever-lid tin. They have several faults. They take up too much room, if large enough to be of much use, and an ordinary shallow lift or shallow-comb super will not cover them. They are very quickly rusted away, too, and it is a nuisance to have to take them off the hive every time they have to be filled. The writer has found that a small wooden feeder after the " Miller " plan suits best, and others use a division-board feeder in preference to any other. The faults of these two are, respectively, that a super or lift is needed to cover the one, and to use the other necessitates the removal of combs to make room for it.
Whatever feeder is used, once started, feeding should be carried on continuously until completed. Feeding should not be either too rapid or too slow. For ordinary full stocks there would seem to be no better way than to feed to each colony every evening, till fully fed, approximately two quarts of standard syrup—syrup made with one pound of white granulated sugar to rather less than one pint of water. That is, of. course, for final feeding.
The syrup should be carried in 28 lb. honey tins with bale handles. In this way when the lids are in place, the tins of syrup can be carted about in a car, lorry, or trailer without risk of waste and, when open feeders of the " Miller " type are used, the syrup can be poured into these direct, so obviating the need for first pouring into a filling can. This saves time and an occasional spill.
When feeding is finished, the sooner the apiary is put into winter conditions the better, if the weather is dry. It is a great advantage when operating hives of the American type, to have them packed or wrapped ready for winter while they are bone dry. If the weather is wet when feeding is done, it is far better to wait a while for a couple of days and then to hurry all the hives into their winter overcoats as quickly
as possible. This will be found one of the most strenuous jobs the bee-keeper has to tackle, as it has to be done against time since our climate is never to be trusted for 24 hours.
Once the bees are well supplied and packed up, all that is required from their owner till the following April is an occasional visit to see that no interference has taken place by mischievous persons, rats, mice, or any other animal. Mice should have been carefully excluded when the bees were packed by means of perforated zinc strips, having an entrance cut in them too shallow to admit the slimmest of mice.
At the time of packing up, a new book should be started and all removals noted down, and the numbers on the hives changed to coincide with the new position of any hive that has been moved since the autumn before. In this way:—If No. 5 has been removed to stand No. 70, then at this time the label 5 is removed from the hive and substituted by the label 70. In the new book this stock is entered as No. 70 and its old number, 5, is written under or close to the new number, either in red or in parenthesis, thus—No. 70 (5).
So much 'difference of opinion is expressed from time to time about the quantity of stores needed by a normal colony for winter supplies, that it is, perhaps, as well to say that the quantity needed to carry a colony from October 1st to April 1st is about 30 pounds of sealed honey or syrup. To carry on till May 1st will very often need half as much again, and to reach June 1st as much as 70 lbs. may be required I refer, of course, to places where no honey is gathered before these dates. It is probably a safe practice to winter on about 35 lbs., and to feed twice or three times in April and May.
During February, in many places, pollen may be carried into the hives, and in most places this will have occurred to some considerable extent by mid-March. This is one of the most interesting times in the whole year. Few things are so absorbing in their vital interest as the first visit around one's apiaries on a warm, sunny, day, and passing from hive to hive noting down against each number the apparent condition of the colony occupying it. First, all colonies into which large and frequent loads of pollen are being taken may be marked in some form to show it. Such colonies are almost always in good condition, healthy, and likely to turn out good-paying ones. There may be colonies that are carrying in very little or none at all, and these should be appropriately noted. It frequently happens that they will be found as prosperous looking as any at the next visit, but they should be watched. Those that seem strong but carry no pollen at all, are often queenless, but not always, as they may suddenly commence to carry it, but they are always suspect. Weak colonies that carry pollen may be only weak though healthy, or they may be suffering from some disease. Weak colonies that carry no pollen at all are almost always useless ones. These should be examined at the earliest moment with every possible precaution, and dealt with according to what is found. Colonies appearing in good order will be far better let quite alone till they have been fed early in April.

Bee Craft March 1932 [To be continued]



(continued Part 4)

About April 1st it is wise to give a one feed of half-a-gallon of rather thin syrup, say 1 lb. of sugar to 14 pints water. Then, at the first opportunity, when the weather is really warm, each colony should be examined, its contents noted, and the dummy adjusted so that only those combs that are covered, plus about one, are inside it. As far as possible weekly examinations should follow, when other combs may be put inside the dummy as needed by the bees, but on no account should brood be spread at this time of the year.
About every ten days a feed, similar to the first, should be given until honey is found to be brought in freely. No plan tried by the writer has so far given results equal to the above-; but It should be remembered that the times given may be earlier or later in other localities.
Should a dearth of honey come again after the first flow, it must be remembered that at no time of the year is it so essential to keep the bees fed: and at no time will the use of sugar in plenty pay so well as at such a period. One must remember that at such junctures the hive will have become full of brood, and stores present will disappear very rapidly; it is probable that in England more stocks are spoiled through neglect of this than through any other cause whatever. Not that it necessarily follows that a colony left short will be lost; but it is very likely to be thrown back to such an extent that its surplus will be reduced to next to nothing. In many districts there is an early honey-flow from the fruit in April. This stimulates brood-rearing very much, and the whole hive may be full of brood by May 1st and consequently be consuming large quantities of food daily. Now if, as very often happens, a cold wet spell should set in, unless well-fed, colonies will quickly use up their stores, brood rearing will be either checked or stopped altogether, and the colony is so injured that, when the summer flow comes along, it may be quite unable to yield a profitable surplus.
Therefore, at the risk of being thought more prosy than usual, the writer once more emphasizes the fact that nothing pays like feeding thin or medium syrup in April and May and even June when little honey is being gathered on account of bad weather. The crux of all honey-production, wether in out-apiaries or not, is to have the bees in good condition at the time of the principal honey-flow. The principal honey-flow in England has no definite time; like Easter, it is a movable feast, but, unlike Easter, the date of its coming can never be known until its advent. Therefore feed and keep colonies breeding as much as possible until it is obviously no longer necessary. The writer has often regretted not having fed enough but never having fed too much.
All through April and the first half of May those bee-keepers situated in the clover and sainfoin districts, especially on the hills, if they are wise, will be steadily feeding and building up their colonies ready for June. There may be one week of flow, there may be two; sometimes there are three or four, but that is rare—that is, for a really heavy yield. In any case, seasons when there is not one week of good flow are rather rare and are always failures; because despite fairy tales sometimes told, no one can produce honey without flow, but one week may be enough to clear up a small crop
of honey if bees are ready for it. This was the case last year in this part of the country, but only colonies in good order were of the least use.
Feed, feed, feed in spring with thin syrup at all times when bees are not actually bringing honey; but it is entirely unnecessary to practice what is known as stimulative feeding by means of small feeders that allow the bees to obtain the syrup slowly. The feeders represent a waste of money and the feeding waste of time and labor. All that is needed is a cheap wooden feeder, or a lever-lidded tin to hold about two quarts. Feeds given with these as described above will have a better effect than all the " stimulative " feeders ever made.
During this spring period, all hives should be cleaned out. At the first examination it should have been ascertained if any brood disease is present; and, if not, an empty and clean hive should be placed on the stand of, say, No. 1 hive, that hive having been stood on one side for the moment. The combs are then lifted from it, and placed in the clean hive in their correct order with the dummy next to the bees, and any unoccupied combs placed behind it. The dirty hive is then well scraped out and the next colony placed in it, not forgetting to change the number label at the same time, and so on until all are changed.

Bee Craft April 1932[To be continued]



(Concluded Part 5)

As early as possible after the stocks have been overhauled, all queens must be clipped. The best plan to accomplish this with a minimum of bother is to clip every queen seen at the earliest examination. This saves much time and worries because, like most other things in this contrary world, queens are often seen much more readily when you don't particularly want to see them, and, if queens are clipped when seen and duly noted in the register as having been done, there is no more time lost looking for queens.
Ideally, management should be such that no swarming will follow, but things are never ideal in the writer's experience. Needless to say, careful examinations of the combs at intervals of from one week to ten days, as the weather permits, must be undertaken, and when early in the season one finds queen cells, it is best to make either a small nucleus with the queen and destroy all cells later on, except one only, or else to make an artificial swarm by removing the hive and combs to a new stand and placing a new hive on the old one in which is placed one comb of bees with the queen. Later on, it is no doubt better to remove the queen and destroy queen cells later in the usual way.
The difference in the working of out-apiaries from the working of single home-apiaries is simply one of a difference of accessibility. One has to provide for considerable intervals between examinations because one cannot profitably, or even possibly, see all one's stocks more than once a week or so when several apiaries are scattered over several miles of country. One has to make notes at each visit of what material will be needed at the next visit, or else, when the place is reached at some distance, most likely things urgently needed will have been left behind and have to be fetched, and time and money will be lost.
Removal of honey at the end of the season, when out-apiaries are concerned, is not at all as simple a job as might be supposed. It is far easier when some sort of building that is bee-tight is provided, as then the supers may be carried into it as removed, and fetched away after the bees have ceased flight for the day. If supers of honey have to be removed, after the honey flow, to a lorry or vehicle of some kind, it is very difficult to manage without the bees swarming into every chink they can find, and they may be started on a bad bout of robbing before one is aware of it. The best plan is to have plenty of bee-escape boards, placing these in position in the day, and fetching the supers away at dusk. These boards may be removed the next day, or later, as convenient, and used for other colonies. It is usually not a good plan to place a bee-escape board under more than two supers at a time, as the bees are apt to take rather a long time to go out of a big pile of them.
When the last super has been removed from any hive, always make, certain that there is food in the brood chamber. Colonies, especially those that have filled several supers, are apt to have very little, or even none at all in their brood combs, and may, and often do starve very soon after their supers are all cleared off. Should a colony be found in this state, the best plan is to take a heavy comb of honey from the brood chamber of some colony that is over-supplied and exchange it for an empty comb in the stock that has no food, there will nearly always be found some stocks that have put too much into their brood combs, and when found, such colonies should be noted in the book, so that, if a comb of food is needed, it can be found without loss of time or trouble.

Readers of BEE CRAFT must be heartily tired of this subject by this time, and will be glad to know that this is the last of it. Out-apiary work is not available to many, and those who do work out-apiaries will probably differ from the foregoing conclusions to a very considerable extent, since no two bee-keepers, speaking generally, are ever in agreement in regard to methods. The methods given here are, however, methods that have answered fairly satisfactorily with the writer and are merely passed on for what they are worth.
In conclusion, I would warn those who think of going in for bee-keeping as a business proposition, not to expect it to turn out an "El Dorado." One frequently sees glowing accounts published as to the large profits that are waiting to be made by the bee-keeper who goes in for honey-production as a business in these islands. Such statements are invariably made by persons without any experience of what they are talking about. In practice, prospects are not so rosy.
BEE CRAFT May 1932

Honey Production in the British Isles - 1936 (18MB)

Monday, August 25, 2008


 INTERNET ARCHIVE BEESWAX BOOKS       1.                           2.


Sir,—At the beginning of the year 1900 I had never seen a honey-comb
design in my life. The first idea I had of such a thing was from reading
an article in one of the illustrated papers about twelve months ago about
the family of Colonel (now General) Baden -Powell, and in which
there appeared an illustration of a comb design in the form of a bicycle
made by Miss Baden Powell's bees. At the time I was a beekeeper in my
novitiate days, and so I thought if Miss Baden-Powell's bees could shape a
bicycle in honeycomb, why not my work out a big wheel! So I resolved
to try my hand at the job and made a frame of wood similar in size to an
ordinary section-rack with a quarter-inch rabbet inside round top and
bottom, and within this space had a sheet of glass cut to fit in at the
top. It then struck me that the bees could not build comb on the glass
without ventilation, as the heat from below would cause condensation of
moisture on the underside. In order to overcome this difficulty, I had
two corners cut off the gins, and let in two strips of wood for the
latter to rest on where the corners had been removed.
I then cut a piece of stout cardboard-same shape and size as the
glass—for the bottom. The design was next drawn on paper than retraced
out on transparent tissue paper, and finally transferred to the cardboard
by laying the tissue paper on it and drawing a pencil around the lines
originally drawn.
I then punched holes for the bees to pass through the cardboard in
positions under the comb foundation. I next proceeded to cut a strip of
strong cardboard, wide enough to allow of its being glued to the bottom
pieces, and yet not quite reaching up to the glass. This strip of card was
then bent to the shape required, and glued to the stout bottom-piece first
mentioned; and when this was completed I secured it in the box with a
few tacks, filling up the two corners specified with perforated zinc. All
being now ready for the foundation, I prepared to fix the latter by
placing the design on the table, then laid the glass over it. I then cut
the foundation, slightly warming to prevent its breaking, in strips about 1
and a half in. wide. I fixed the centre bits first, one at a time, by
bending the edge a little and warming it by a candle, taking care not to
blacken it.
As each piece was warmed it was fixed on the glass over the pencil marks
drawn on the design, pressing it down with my thumb and holding till
cool. Then to ensure still firmer fixing I drew a piece of wire made hot
along the edge, taking care to wipe the wire each time it was removed from
the fire so as not to make any black marks. The circle in the centre was
fixed in the same way, and where I made a joint I lapped the pieces over a
little, then drew the hot wire up them, thus melting the wax and fixing
them together.
I then placed the glass carefully in the box, leaving any little
irregularity, so that where the glass did not fit to provide ventilation.
All was then ready to put on the hive.
I placed it over the first swarm of last season, which was doing well at
the time. Three days afterward I examined it and found one piece of
the foundation had fallen down, but as the bees were working so nicely on the
parts of the design still intact I decided to leave them alone, and am
glad I did so, for I think the bees actually improved on my design. On
looking at the photo you will see the place where the bit fell down; it
formed part of the left-hand upright of the wheel; both sides should have
been alike. When the design was found nicely filled and sealed, I raised
it and placed a super-clearer and section rack beneath, and thus got the
bees out. My description may not be quite clear to all, but I have given
the plan followed as closely as I can for the benefit of other young
bee-keepers who may like to try a honey-comb design.

– Richard Allen,Tusmore,Bicester- THE BEE-KEEPERS RECORD Nov 1908


Sir, I enclose a photograph, which I have no doubt will be of interest to your readers. The word "Gibson, which is designed in honey, was worked for a large firm in Edinburgh by Mr. James Andrew, of Forfar. N.B. Mr.Andrew, who is both deaf and dumb, is an extensive bee-keeper, with a thorough knowledge of bee-keeping, and the enclosed design and many others
were entirely his own idea. This is a capital way of advertising honey, as
these designs exhibited in shop windows, always attract considerable
attention. Mr.Andrew follows the occupation of a shoe-maker, and besides
beekeeping, he is a very successful amateur gardener. His stock of heather
honey this year, although by no means the largest he has had, is considered
very handsome, owing to the season here not having been a particularly
good one.

D. Ormone, St.James Terrace,Forfar THE BEE-KEEPERS RECORD Nov 1908


Press of work has hitherto prevented me from adverting to the articles
written on the above subject in the B. B. Journal, of dates 1st and 8th
April last. Honey-comb designs have been in vogue for a number of years,
such as stars, circles, &c; but these are very simply done, and it is
only in regard to comb letters and figures that I claim the honor of
being the inventor. Permit me to describe how it is done.
Take a super made of three-eighths wood, say 10 x 8 x outside measure,
and you want the year 1880 built-in it; get strips of foundation about
one inch deep, draw out the shape of the figures in super; then fix the
strips of foundation with a smelter in the centre where the figures are to be
built. Thus fixed, get thin pieces of wood separators about three-eighths
less in-depth than the inside of the super, so as to allow free access
under; on these separators fix little corner pieces to form the circles
and bends in such a way as to prevent the bees from misshaping the
figures. These blocks are then fixed in the super with fine brads, to
draw out easily when the super is finished. Any letters or figures can be
done by putting the foundation in the shape wanted, and filling up the
interstices in the same way as already stated. My first attempt at
letter-building was in 1882. I then tried the word, HONEY. The super was
too long, and the bees only finished out ONE in the centre—H and Y were
unfinished; these I cut off, leaving ONE complete, which I exhibited at
Stranraer Flower Show that year. Every year since I have done more or
less at letter-building.
The late Mr. Pettigrew also tried the letter-making. His method was to
take pieces of wood, 6 in. square by half in. thick, and fix a strip of
foundation on each piece of wood in the shape of the letter wanted. This
was let into a large hole in the crown of his skeps, and the bees drew
out the foundation. When taken off he then cut off parts of the letters
were too thick with a knife, and thus shaped each letter to his mind.
There was never any honey in his letters by this method, and therefore
they could not be called ` honey-comb letters.' His handiwork was shown
at the Oldham Exhibition in 1883. In Gleanings of May or June 1881, Root
describes another way of building letters in frames, by letting two
letters made in each frame and filling up the corners and spaces with
blocks. I have never seen Root's method worked out. and therefore I
cannot say how it does. As usual, our American friends brought it out in
1884 as something new. Stars, circles, and suchlike are more easily done
than letters. It is only necessary to fix the foundation in whatever way
you want the bees to build, and almost, invariably you will get it. The
idea only requires a little taste and ingenuity, and once known is very
simple. Lastly, the making of letters and designs is not a paying
`spec,' unless a large sum can be got for them. Several bee-keepers to
whom I have shown the idea have sold at exorbitant prices.

Wm. McNally Glenluce, Scotland BBJ May 1886



 INTERNET ARCHIVE  APIARY BOOKS    1               2


The delightfully-situated Cornish apiary, seen above, makes one
envy Mr.Harborne his location, which seems to us an ideal one. The fact of
its having been built up since May.1904.and furnished entirely with
home-made hives, affords ample testimony to the capacity of our friend as
a bee-man. For the rest of his "notes," sent at our request, speak for
themselves. He says:

"My Interest in bees was first aroused, on my summer holidays in
August 1894, when I was invited by a friend to see some sections taken
from a hive, and I well recollect how carefully I tucked the bee-veil
supplied to me for protection inside the turned-up collar of my coat, and
how tightly I jammed my hands into the pockets while watching the
operation: but my interest was so much aroused that on returning home I
bought a copy of the Guide Book, and commenced to take the B.B.J. I also
set to work and made a'Cowan' hive according to the directions given in
the book, and then, in the following spring, I bought a box of bees and
made a start in bee-keeping. At this time I was located in Cornwall where
I remained till 1903, when I sold my bees and appliances and returned to
town life. My health, however, broke down and compelled me to return here
in the following November.
-The apiary seen with myself and the cat in the picture has been built up
since May. 1904 from a swarm I had given me, two stocks bought in October,
and various lots of bees I got for the driving. The hives are all
home-made. The spring of 1905 found me with fourteen stocks, which have
increased to twenty-three, and during that year they gathered over 800 lb.
of extracted honey, and filled nearly 300 good sections. With regard to
marketing my product, I've never found any difficulty in selling 1 lb.
sections and 1 lb.screw-cap jars of extracted honey at 9s. per dozen.
Neither do I think any beekeeper needs have trouble in finding a market
who takes a pride in putting up good honey in an attractive form. A good
many people pass my place here on their way to Lands End, and a small
show-case at the roadside helps me to dispose of a good deal at 1s. per 1
lb. or a section. In 1901 and 1902 I took first prizes for sections and ext-
racted honey at Penzance. I may say that my success is entirely due to
the help received from the 'Guide Book' and B.B.J. I am also especially
indebted to H. W. Brice for his article in the B.B.J.of February 3.1898.
entitled 'How to Achieve Success. In conclusion, I add a line on the foul
brood question to say that, by keeping hives, etc scrupulously clean, along
with the liberal use of foundation and naphthaline, and by medicating all
food given, I`ve kept my bees healthy and free from disease.

( B.B.J. March 1907)