The delightfully-situated Cornish apiary, seen above, makes one
envy Mr.Harborne his location, which seems to us an ideal one. The fact of
its having been built up since May.1904.and furnished entirely with
home-made hives, affords ample testimony to the capacity of our friend as
a bee-man. For the rest of his "notes," sent at our request, speak for
themselves. He says:
"My Interest in bees was first aroused, on my summer holidays in
August 1894, when I was invited by a friend to see some sections taken
from a hive, and I well recollect how carefully I tucked the bee-veil
supplied to me for protection inside the turned-up collar of my coat, and
how tightly I jammed my hands into the pockets while watching the
operation: but my interest was so much aroused that on returning home I
bought a copy of the Guide Book, and commenced to take the B.B.J. I also
set to work and made a'Cowan' hive according to the directions given in
the book, and then, in the following spring, I bought a box of bees and
made a start in bee-keeping. At this time I was located in Cornwall where
I remained till 1903, when I sold my bees and appliances and returned to
town life. My health, however, broke down and compelled me to return here
in the following November.
-The apiary seen with myself and the cat in the picture has been built up
since May. 1904 from a swarm I had given me, two stocks bought in October,
and various lots of bees I got for the driving. The hives are all
home-made. The spring of 1905 found me with fourteen stocks, which have
increased to twenty-three, and during that year they gathered over 800 lb.
of extracted honey, and filled nearly 300 good sections. With regard to
marketing my product, I've never found any difficulty in selling 1 lb.
sections and 1 lb.screw-cap jars of extracted honey at 9s. per dozen.
Neither do I think any beekeeper needs have trouble in finding a market
who takes a pride in putting up good honey in an attractive form. A good
many people pass my place here on their way to Lands End, and a small
show-case at the roadside helps me to dispose of a good deal at 1s. per 1
lb. or a section. In 1901 and 1902 I took first prizes for sections and ext-
racted honey at Penzance. I may say that my success is entirely due to
the help received from the 'Guide Book' and B.B.J. I am also especially
indebted to H. W. Brice for his article in the B.B.J.of February 3.1898.
entitled 'How to Achieve Success. In conclusion, I add a line on the foul
brood question to say that, by keeping hives, etc scrupulously clean, along
with the liberal use of foundation and naphthaline, and by medicating all
food given, I`ve kept my bees healthy and free from disease.
( B.B.J. March 1907)
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